Residents of the Chamonix valley, ask for your Petit Pass, a free digital loyalty card which allows you to benefit from reductions and/or advantages but above all, to #consumelocal!
Below, classified by category, you can easily find the partners of Mon Petit Pass. The list is evolving and can expand or decrease depending on the month. Check it regularly! Partner establishments have a sticker on their door or display but if in doubt, simply ask the merchant if they are a partner.
On presentation of My Little Pass:
From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., upon presentation of My Little Pass, Encas des Moulins offers you:
The Auberge des Gorges de la Diosaz in Servoz offers you a glass of champagne for any menu ordered, upon presentation of My Little Pass.
Le Castel offers you an aperitif (Kir sparkling) upon presentation of My Little Pass before your lunch or dinner.
The Prieuré restaurant offers you coffee or tea at the end of your meal upon presentation of My Little Pass.
When you order, upon presentation of My Little Pass, the Index offers you the Kir de l'Index (chestnut cream and Crémant d'Ayze).
The aperitif is offered to you upon presentation of My Little Pass.
-10% on your order upon presentation of My Little Pass.
Kir as an aperitif offered for a dinner at the Akashon upon presentation of My Little Pass. Opening hours: Every evening from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Coffee offered at the end of the meal upon presentation of My Little Pass.
👉 1 free pizza with the purchase of 2 cocktails (valid once per day and per pass holder)
➡️ -12% on the reservation of a stay using the code MONPETITPASS.
Sport & Leisure
€5 free game ticket - 1 drink of your choice at the bar. Reserved for people. major.
Art & Culture
Decor & Gifts
Services Stores